2022 Bowfishing Clips
This is a few raw clips from my 2018 season. Enjoy!
I have done lots of TV shows over the years. Working with Animal Planet on this one was was by far the most fun. We call it Skarping. Water skiing for asian carp. Unfortunately I can not do this with clients, but if you want to see more crazy videos like this, go to my channel zacandnate
I got the chance to work with Planet Slow MO. Needless to say they were able to capture some amazing footage as they always do. Subscribe to there channel and check out the rest of there stuff. You won't regret it.
If this video does not peak your interest nothing will. Sometimes I will go blowfishg at night for the flying fish. However the asian carp jump great during the day and you don't have the bugs to compete with.
I told him I would give him every opportunity to stab an asian carp with my trident Poseidon. I feel as though I held up my end of the bargain. In his defense, I think he was laughing too hard and lost focus on just one flying fish.
I have turned my bowfishing pontoon onto a triton since this video. It gives you an idea what you are riding out on.
I had a great time bowfishing for asian carp with MI Frontier
One of my first videos. I started out with a 20ft all aluminum deck boat. I now use a 22ft all aluminum custom tri-toon pontoon for bowfishing the asian carp.